Leadership Team

  • Senior Pastor

    David Ronan (USA)

    Spouse: Sharon, (USA/MK reared in Japan)

    Member since 2022

    B.A. Pillsbury Baptist Bible College

    M.Div. Central Baptist Theological Seminary

    Ph.D. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

    Church planter in Saitama and Tokyo, Japan

    Retired US Army with 2 children

    Likes: Motorcycles and General Aviation


  • Senior Elder

    Kumate Yoshiyuki (Japan)

    Spouse: Pam Kumate (New Zealand)

    Member since 1991

    Retired Japanese High School Physics Teacher

    Two children and two grandchildren residing in New Zealand

    Likes: 2 cats

  • Elder

    (Church treasurer)

    Stephen Town (USA/MK reared in Japan)

    Spouse : Edie (Canada) Worship Music Leader

    Member since 2017

    B.A. Wheaton College

    M.A. University of Hawaii

    Two children serving as missionaries in Japan

    Owner of Rose Town Consulting/Ministries

    Retired US Army / Likes: cats and dogs

  • Elder

    (Sunday School Director)

    Yasufuku, Yoshiteru (Japan)

    Spouse: Yoko (Japan) Kindergarten Worker

    Member since 1995

    Retired Japanese Christian Hospitality Manager

    Likes: photography

  • Elder

    (Facilities and Deacons)

    Michael Pluger (USA), Spouse: Yuko (Japan)

    Current/Former Member and Deacon from 2012-2014

    Active Duty USMC & USAF since 1996

    Two children

    Likes: Outdoor sports, hiking, biking